This is a wiki dedicated to interactive narrative platforms. It discusses the available platforms for creating and publishing your narrative, and provides advice for creators using them.
It is maintained by Failbetter Games, creators of StoryNexus.
Getting Started
Read about the available online Story Platforms.
Using StoryNexus
Documentation on the StoryNexus toolset can be found here.
Advice on designing and crafting your StoryNexus game can be found below. This advice is based on our experience creating the online browser-based RPG Fallen London and other projects including Night Circus
- An introduction to crafting narrativeg architecture can be found on Betterblog: part 1, part 2 and part 3.
- Principles of Narrative Engineering: a Betterblog post of best practice when creating a quality-based storygame.
- Writing Interactive Narrative: Betterblog posts on what we've learned about writing for the medium. Part 1, part 2, and part 3.
- Patterns of Choice: types of choice in StoryNexus games, their benefits and drawbacks. Largely applicable to other platforms, too.
- Branch Design For advice on how to design at the branch level.
- Content Design Patterns for patterns that have been used successfully in storygames.
- Quality Control: advice on getting your StoryNexus game as polished and bug-free as possible before launch.
- Herding Secrets and A Million Flowers: Betterblog posts on managing backstory-heavy and secret-rich games.
We also have have some bite-sized articles on creating StoryNexus worlds and stories:
Recipes: useful miscellaneous how-to guides
Using other platforms
Add anything that works!